Philosophical musings on Quanta & Qualia; Materialism & Spiritualism; Science & Religion; Pragmatism & Idealism, etc.
Post 36. 05/15/2018
The G*D Concept
A Human Creation or the Creator of All?
The Enformationism thesis imagines our world as a Great Idea, composed primarily of Information (primal substance) and evolving via a process of EnformAction (creative power). All things in the real world are products (outputs) of that cosmic information processing, imagined metaphorically as a computer program. In that case, we must also imagine a Great MIND (the Programmer) to create & sustain the ideas and the process. Since the Enformer of Nature necessarily existed prior to the emergence of Space-
The asterisk in the spelling is intended to convey that this is not your traditional notion of a monotheistic deity. It's an abstract philosophical concept, not a concrete cultural myth. Instead of the usual humanoid characteristics (e.g. muscular white haired king on a throne) that make the gods easier to relate to, the presumed deity of Enformationism is more like an immaterial mathematical principle, or like the collective myth of a Nation. We can only see the physical parts, so must imagine the metaphysical whole. For example, the United States is not just a geographic entity, or a collection of people, but an ideal unifying concept held by those loyal to its constitution. Americans are born into the United States, and then buy-
The simplest form of this god-
Of course, such metaphysical distinctions make little discernible difference in my reality, but that amorphous god-
Post 36 continued . . . click Next
Did God create man?
Or did men create god-
1. Cybernetic System :
The universe is a self-
Cybernetics & Panpsychism : <<Gregory Bateson was an anthropologist who applied cybernetics to the social
sciences. . . . His goal was an overarching cybernetical systems theory embracing all the world from an ecological perspective. . . .In each component system, he saw feedback mechanisms maintaining homeostasis,
and semiotic messaging systems traveling in pathways between all the subsystems.
His supreme cybernetic system includes all the smaller systems, including all
individuals. He variously identified this system as Mind or God, a sort of panpsychism. The supreme system he thought was a whole, not divisible into parts.>>
2. Why is there something?
The Big Bang theory ex-
One theory for such un-
Since, both of those scientific theories sound like myths, I have proposed a philosophical myth of my own. It draws inspiration from the ancient Greek notion of our orderly cycling Cosmos emerging from random eternal Chaos. Which sounds similar to the modern Quantum Vacuum myth.
Since none of those other theories answer the “why” part of the original question, my theory assumes that the infinite potential of Vacuum or Multiverse includes the creative power of Intention. Which is an essential attribute of a creator G*D.