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Mind controls
by first controlling
Post 49. August 10, 2018 continued . . .
Mental versus Physical Causation
Mind as a Causal Force
Functions don't exist apart from their physical systems, but they are clearly not properties of any single component. They also don't exist in isolation. For example, the function of a hammer is defined in relation to hands & nails. Likewise, a Mind is a function of whole brains, not neurons – of systems, not cogs. Yet, it seems that anything physical has the potential to produce Mind6, but only when organized & actualized into com-
In the Enformationism theory, Mind & Brain grow from a single root. Both are forms of a primal generic causal force : EnFormAction (energy/enformy). So matter can be viewed as energy stabilized & localized in space, while Mind is dynamic & non-
Scientists accept that Mind is a function of Brain activity, just as Transportation is a function of automobile mechanisms. Yet how Consciousness fits into the picture is still a mystery. Brain states are clearly associated with Mind states, but correlation does not prove causation. So. no one knows exactly how energy & information flowing through neurons “cause” the brain to become aware of its own thoughts. My guess, as expressed in the Enformationism theory, is that Life & Mind are phase changes8 of energy as it transforms over time and in space. Here’s a Cliff Notes synopsis : Energy begins as a continous field of potential, then emerges as discrete particles of matter. Later, from the complex interplay of energy & matter, stars & stuff, animated Life emerges. Then, as Life interacts with other life – as social groups or predator/prey interactions – Mind arises to control external behavior. Finally, Consciousness emerges to moderate the flow of internal thoughts. So, the Brain/Mind Paradox is a problem only because they are intimately con-
If we begin with the current materialistic scientific paradigm that reality is created by self-
End of Post 49
8. Phase Change:
<< Evaporation, Condensation, Freezing, Melting, Sublimation & Deposition. Substances on Earth can exist in one of four phases, but mostly, they exist in one of three: solid, liquid or gas.>>
Metaphysical phase changes are those we can imagine, but not sense. Somehow, inanimate matter transforms into living beings, yet we can’t detect the exact moment or location of the transition. Similarly, tangled masses of living tissue, such as the slimey tentacles of neurons, somehow cause a new non-
If you know that these transformations are fundamentally changes in metaphysical information qualities, rather than physical material quantities, then the mystery becomes merely a common case of statistical probabilities, like tumbling dice. Laymen may have a problem with the equations, so metaphysical terms, like “cause” or “create” may be better understood.
9. Extended Mind Power :
For example, the Panama canal was a dream of visionaries ever since the isthmus was discovered. But only by transmitting that idea to many other minds – and then into money and heavy machinery – did the fanciful dream of moving mountains eventually come true.
10. Energy is Information :
6. Mind in Matter :
Panpsychism is the doctrine that the immaterial quality of consciousness is inherent in all things, but has its highest expression in human minds.
7. Goals & Purposes : These are anthro-
General Notes :
“Function” is an abstract concept that doesn’t have any meaning apart from a conscious mind. Without a mind to wield it, a hammer has no function, no purpose. So, when anthropologists find unnaturally chipped rocks in ancient sites, they assume that a mind had shaped the stone for an intended purpose.
Physical causation =
energy exchange =
sensed properties.
Physical material causation, exemplified by billiard balls, is easy to illustrate with representative pictures.
Mental causation = information exchange = inferred qualities.
Mental mathematical causation, exemplified by statistical equations, can only be envisioned with abstract symbols & diagrams.